Chapter 256 - Siege

It had already been almost a month since the last time the Song Army had surrounded the Xingqing Mansion. Until now, Xia Chongzong still did not understand why the Song Army had retreated.

Deep into the night, Xia Chongzong called Prime Minister Wei Minganhui into the palace and asked a question.

The imperial concubine, Ren Yuqin, was also beside them.

Although the Western Xia was basically a Han Dynasty, they were still a country established by the people of Xiang Qiang's people. They still maintained the customs of their own people. For example, the status of women was relatively high and women were allowed to participate in the political process. At the very beginning of Xia Chongzong's reign, the empress dowager took power in the country. He had fought with the empress dowager for power before he took control of the national affairs. As for Xia Chongzong's death, the reason why Ren Dejing was able to become the Western Xia's King Chu was because his power was overflowing, and had a huge relationship with Ren Yuqin. In the more than two hundred years since Xicha was founded and destroyed, the Empress Dowager had been in office more than half the time.

Therefore, when Ren Yuqin sat at the side, she did not feel that anything was wrong. Wei Minganhui also felt that this was a normal occurrence.

"My beloved one, tell me, why is it that Song Army only stayed outside Xingqing Mansion for two days, and then left Xingqing Mansion?" Xia Chongzong said.

"This humble subject has been thinking hard these past few days. I really can't figure out the reasoning behind this!" Wei Minganhui shook his head and said.

Ren Yuqin's face was also filled with curiosity, to tell the truth, she too was curious why the Song Army left.

"I wonder if General Cha can repel the Song Army?" Xia Chongzong said again.

"There is definitely no problem with that!" General Cha Ge led a huge army of 300,000 men to the Yanzhou City. That huge army of 300,000 was formed of young and strong men, so it can be said that more than half of the young and strong men in the Western Xia are already there. Their battle power is extremely high, Song Army is definitely not their match. " Wei Minganhui said.

The population of the Western Xia was sparse. They were the same as the former Liao Country s and present Jinguo s, they were all under the same military system that was common to everyone. They only had a population of over three million, but they had over four hundred thousand soldiers and horses. It could be said that most of the young and strong men were in the army. They naturally did not know that the army had suffered a devastating blow. If they had known, they would not have been able to sit still. If a country lost more than half of its young and strong men, the country's future could be imagined.

"However, we sent a gift to inform Brother Cha to come back to the Xingqing Mansion! He must have already left the Yanzhou City! " Xia Chongzong said.

"This …" Wei Minganhui was startled.

"Daughter?" Seeing Wei Minganhui seemingly frozen there, Xia Chongzong anxiously said.

"Your majesty, something doesn't seem right." Wei Minganhui said.

"Oh? What's wrong with that? " Xia Chongzong said in surprise.

"This humble subject can't remember right away, let this humble subject think for a moment." Wei Minganhui said.

Wei Minganhui sat there and fell into deep thought.

Xia Chongzong and Ren Yuqin did not disturb Wei Minganhui as they stood to the side and watched.

After a while, Wei Minganhui's forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat. After a while, Wei Minganhui's head was covered with sweat. He suddenly stood up, gasping for air.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong?" Xia Chongzong said in shock.

"This is bad! This was not good! Your Majesty! " Wei Minganhui said loudly.

"What exactly is going on? Hurry up and say it! " Xia Chongzong also felt that something was amiss. This Wei Minganhui was normally exceptionally intelligent, being the brain of the Western Xia Empire, he was extremely calm and collected. Even when the Song Army surrounded the Xingqing Mansion that day, he did not panic. This was the first time Xia Chongzong had seen Wei Minganhui so excited.

"Your Majesty, those hundred thousand Song Army s are not here for the Xingqing Mansion at all!" Wei Minganhui said.

After he finished speaking, he took deep breaths, as if trying to calm himself down.

"What for?" Xia Chongzong said anxiously.

"They should be rushing towards our three hundred thousand strong army! After our three hundred thousand strong army received the news that the Xingqing Mansion was surrounded, they must be extremely nervous, and quickly return to the Xingqing Mansion. Although they only have a hundred thousand people, they have been waiting for a long time. They have plenty of energy, and our army has consumed a lot of energy, so we might not be their match! And... It is also possible for the Yanzhou City s to chase behind and surround us … " Wei Minganhui's eyes were wide open, as if he had seen what had happened in the distance, and said with extreme fear.

"Are you saying that they want to encircle our three hundred thousand strong army?" Xia Chongzong said in disbelief.

"That's right, that's right!" Wei Minganhui said.

"How is this possible? How is that possible? " Xia Chongzong was also starting to feel uneasy.

"Your Majesty, if the three hundred thousand strong army is annihilated by the Song Army, then our Western Xia is finished … …" Wei Minganhui said.

"This …" Xia Chongzong's face also instantly turned pale white.

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to think about the three hundred thousand strong army. We have to guard against the arrival of the Song Army again!" Ren Yuqin suddenly shouted.

"That's right!" We have to be on guard! Your Majesty, mobilize all the men, women, and children in the city immediately! Sending weapons into everyone's hands, making everyone prepare to defend the city! All of the defensive equipment will be transported to the city walls, waiting for the arrival of the Song Army! " Wei Minganhui said.

Xia Chongzong felt an abnormal terror in his heart. He was worried about the orders from the three hundred thousand western Xia army s, worried about the future of Western Xia.

Late at night of the same day, the sound of drumbeats could be heard in the Western Xia City. Countless citizens were awakened from their sleep. Countless officials came to the homes of the hundred families, asking the people to come out and participate in the defense of the city.

Waiting until the first day of April, when Li Chage, Li Renli and Wan Yanzonggan returned to the Xingqing Mansion, Xia Chongzong confirmed the news that all three hundred thousand of his main forces had been annihilated, and his heart immediately felt as if it had died. If Xi Xia lost several hundred thousand strong men, the consequences would be severe. If it was the Song Dynasty, with their numerous citizens, even if they lost hundreds of thousands of people, they could still continue recruiting soldiers! Just like in the last year of the Northern Song Dynasty, the seed army was annihilated, the tens of thousands of Imperial Guards were annihilated, but the Song Dynasty was still alive. Whether it was Zhao Chen or Zhao Chen, they both had countless of troops under their command! The Chinese have a long history, a prosperous civilization and a large population. This is a huge foundation and advantage! But in the Western Xia, a country with a population of only millions, losing several hundred thousand young and strong men had definitely damaged the foundation of this country! Furthermore, even if they were to recruit soldiers now, it would be very difficult to recruit strong men. Even if the Song Army finally leaves, this country will still be in danger.

Li Chage immediately suggested for Xia Chongzong to move to the capital, which made him extremely hesitant.

However, in the middle of the night of this day, one hundred thousand Jingyuan Army s and fifty thousand Tsinghua Army s had all arrived.

Almost all of a sudden, these troops attacked the Xingqing Mansion's walls after a while.

Xingqing Mansion was extremely sturdy, with a moat that was ten Zhang wide.

Liu Qi and Zhao Zhe had originally thought that the Xingqing Mansion had not made any preparations, but who would have thought that in the dead of the night, the walls of the Xingqing Mansion were actually filled with densely packed soldiers and commoners. Originally, there were still fifty thousand soldiers in Xingqing Mansion, but now these fifty thousand soldiers had already come out to defend the city. As for the number of commoners, it was unknown how many there were. Countless machines were placed on top of the city walls, making them very eye-catching.

Liu Qi, Zhao Zhe have defeated western Xia army consecutively, they are extremely confident in their own fighting strength!

However, a night of siege had no effect at all! As soon as their soldiers crossed the moat, arrows flew everywhere. As for the siege equipment, they only had temporary escalades in their hands. The Xingqing Mansion's walls were too tall, ordinary escalators were actually unable to reach the top of the city walls.

In a single night, Jingyuan Army and Tsinghua Army had actually lost more than three thousand people!

From the first night of April to the fourth day of April, during these three days and nights, the Jingyuan Army and the Tsinghua Army did not attack the city from time to time, but it still did not have much effect, and they were still unable to defeat the Xingqing Mansion! Cheng Jisihan used a hundred thousand strong army, and used a few months to break through the hard northern wall. Without any siege equipment, it would be difficult for them to attack!

When Song Army first appeared, Xia Chongzong, Wei Minganhui and the rest were extremely terrified, but seeing that the Song Army was blocked, they heaved a sigh of relief!

When dusk arrived, the Jingyuan Army and the rest retreated like the tide. Xia Chongzong, Wei Minganhui and the others secretly wiped their sweat away as they ordered the citizens and soldiers guarding the city to rest for a bit. After three days and three nights, the Song Army did not rest, and almost all the men in the Xingqing Mansion had come out to participate in the defense of the city.

However, just at this moment, under the afterglow of the setting sun, an army came from afar! The number of people in this army reached a hundred thousand!

When they saw this army, Xia Chongzong and Wei Minganhui's hearts were filled with shock!

When they were facing the Jingyuan Army and the Tsinghua Army, their pressure was already extremely great. They could barely block the attacks of the Jingyuan Army and the Tsinghua Army, but now with 100,000 people coming, how could they block them?

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